Dorothy Namuyiga Birungi

Dorothy Namuyiga Birungi


An agricultural economist with expertise and experience in: Agricultural economics, agribusiness, value chain analysis gender, inclusion and rural development. She has engaged in teaching, research and community engagement for over ten (10) years, with more experience in agricultural research for development. She has conducted research on different projects in different capacities; Principal Investigator, Co-principal Investigator, Supervisor and Research Associate. She is a member of the Uganda Agricultural Economists Association (UAEA) and the Lake Edward -Albert Advisory Board under the African Centre for Aquatic Education and Research (ACARE). She has expertise in conducting quantitative and qualitative research across various sectors. She has published papers in agriculture and fisheries economics, further, she is soon completing a PhD from the University of Bonn (thesis submitted), Germany specializing in Ecology and Natural Resource Management. Dorothy has worked with several international, local, and national non-government organizations. These include the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Agrinatura, GIZ, and Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO), and currently working Mountains of the Moon University, Fort-portal Uganda. She has participated in research for development with smallholder farmers on value chains for specific crops such as beans, coffee, and other commodities; fish and fish bi-products aimed at providing recommendations to improve commodity-specific value chains, including fisheries, Coffee, Cocoa, Common beans, Pigeon Pea, Maize etc. She has worked with smallholders in Uganda and beyond in the legume-based farming system to provide context-specific and targeted recommendations for rural development.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ecology and Natural Resources), University of Bonn, Germany–April 2025 Collaborative Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics (CMAAE)-Makerere University, University of Pretoria Bachelor of Agribusiness Management (Makerere University, Uganda)

Namuyiga, D.B, Stellmacher, T. & Borgemeister, C. Determinants of smallholder membership in farmers’ groups in the pigeon pea-based farming system in Uganda. CABI Agric Biosci 5, 76 (2024). Philipp Handel & Namuyiga D. B.; Impact of Externalities on Fishers’ Risk-Taking Decisions: Evidence from an Experimental Study at Lake Victoria, Uganda, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 227, (2024), org/10.1016/j.jebo.2024.106757 Namuyiga, D.B.; Stellmacher, T.; Borgemeister, C.; Groot, J.C.J. A Typology and Preferences for Pigeon Pea in Smallholder Mixed Farming Systems in Uganda. Agriculture 2022, 12, 1186. Christopher Mulanda Aura; Amber Roegner; Horace Owiti; Namuyiga, D. B; Kathryn J. Fiorella; Jessica Corman; Robert Kayanda; Patrick Mbullo; Chrisphine S. Nyamweya; Geofrey Mchau; Miles Daniels; Richard Oginga Abila (2022) Mind the gaps for the best practices: Enhancing the management of Lake Victoria fisheries resources. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 27 (3). https://doi. org/10.1111/lre.12411 Francesconi Nicola; Wouterse Fleur; Namuyiga D. B; (2021) Agricultural Cooperatives and COVID‐19 in Southeast Africa. The Role of Managerial Capital for Rural Resilience, Sustainability 13(3), Van Campenhout Bjorn; Emmanuel Bizimungu; and Dorothy Birungi Namuyiga. (2016). Risk and Sustainable crop intensification: The case of Smallholder rice and potato farmers in Uganda. Ugandan-rice-and-potato-farmers