Dear readers, we welcome you to this message from Faculty of Science Technology and innovations (FoSTI).
In line with the vision and mission of MMU, FoSTI objectives are to:
- Transform teaching and community engagement through practical teaching and development of apps and services that solve community problems
- Foster Interdisciplinary Collaboration for STEM research and innovation
- Establish Innovation Hubs and Incubators to help students get hands on training to set up ICT and STEM start ups and to scale up existing ICT projects
- Encourage External Collaborations and Partnerships
Innovative IT solutions to the community
An AgriPlanner app is in the final stages of development. The app will have a collaboration and networking platform for farmers, suppliers, buyers and other stakeholders to connect, exchange information and collaborate on projects and initiatives that can benefit the entire agriculture ecosystem.
Internet of Things (IoT) and data science projects
In partnership with our international partners, HoWEST college and HoGent college, the faculty staff received IoT education tools. The faculty will train students in recess in IoT skills. The faculty will also launch IoT/data science-based projects such as a smart dustbin project for our cities, Automated irrigation scheme project, Plant disease prediction project.
Exhibitions and Community engagement activities
The faculty received KuboX tools which can be useful for distance education especially for STEM subjects. The faculty will launch outreach programs to see how schools can utilize these tools. The faculty will also conduct research on how best to teach STEM subjects in secondary schools using locally available materials to improve understanding and performance within the Rwenzori region.
The faculty undertook exhibitions in Mbarara students’ education expo and back to school Bonanza. The faculty had internal exhibitions to showcase innovations by students.
The faculty has carried out /will carry out community engagement activities such as school visits for career guidance, radio talk shows educating the communities on ICT innovations like the smart dustbins and the fitness application.
Biogas projects
The faculty is setting up a biogas plant under the department of physical sciences with the support from the Research and Innovations Fund (RIF) through the directorate of graduate studies, research and Innovations. This project will help to address some of the energy challenges in the region in addition to making a great contribution to research in the field of renewable energy.