Message from the University Librarian

The MMU Library and Information Services (LIS) is committed to continuing with its track record of innovation in service delivery. It is a significant contributor to the academic and scholarly experience in the university.

The Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) Library and Information Services (LIS) is committed to continuing with its track record of innovation in service delivery. The LIS is a significant contributor to the academic and scholarly experience in the university. Hence, the LIS recognizes the importance of continual service improvements to meet the changing learning and research needs of all users. The LIS, therefore, emphasizes service co-design processes that involve its staff, all stakeholders and clients at all levels. To this end, LIS operates within the higher education context which is akin to disruption and uncertain transformation. Amidist this context, we seek to develop collections and services that empower teaching and learning, inspire research and galvanize new knowledge, and above all contribute to supporting scholarship worldwide.

Within the university, LIS needs to be responsive to the university strategic plan, and with a focus to improving user experience including heightened emphasis on scholarly integrity. It’s in this context that MMU LIS seeks to contribute to the realization of the sustainable development goals and Uganda’s Third National Development (NDP III). Appreciative of the growing user numbers, increased diversity and complexity, the LIS is taking a longer-term and short-term view in achieving its goals. The current focus is on achieving a smaller number of key initiatives which support the strategic priorities of the university. The key philosophy being to develop data-informed decision-making capabilities of all users.   Working with other university colleagues and stakeholders, we commit ourselves to deliver a substantially modernized information service model. We will deliver streamlined services while supporting learning, teaching, research and community outreach functions of the university. In this background, we continue to plan and provide study spaces and facilities, engage and inspire users via various options including digital innovations.

We also have committed our efforts to seeking equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility at the heart of our service philosophy. Among this is a commitment to provide instruction and training that help both staff and users develop their information-seeking and critical thinking skills. These skills among other human attributes are required for success in individual advancements, studies, research including life as members of the knowledge intensive-society.

We therefore, appreciate all our users and stakeholders for their continued patience and support. For all these, we can altogether be sure of our “Heights for Progress”.

Dr. Raphael Aregu, PhD (Groningen),
University Librarian.

Library Quick Links

Message from the University Librarian
About the University Library
Circulation Section
Technical Services Section
Digital Section
The Stock Room

Physical Address

MMU Library
Lake Saaka Campus,
Fort Portal – Uganda
P.O. Box 837, Fort Portal

Opening Hours
Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
Sat – Sun 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Recess Period
Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
Sat – Sun [CLOSED]