November 2023


The Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation invites students, staff and members of the University community to our monthly research seminar at 2:00pm Thursday 30th November 2023 at the MMU Block C Main Hall. Our speakers are Dr. Faith Ahabyona Barbra and Mr. Julian Ahiira
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Please receive the following announcement from the office of the Academic Registrar. The following schedule shall be followed in the issuing of examination permits by the Academic Affairs Department EXAMINATION-PERMITS-ISSUING-SCHEDULEDownload
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The 17th Guild leadership under the Stewardship of His Excellency Owen Mukonyezi successfully held its 1st General Students Assembly on November 10th 2023 at Lake Saaka Campus, Fort-Portal City. A meeting that brought together students and Staff of the University witnessed the guild leadership give an accountability, successes and challenges facing students. The Students were...
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Moses Akugizibwe, an Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences at Mountains of the Moon University (MMU), was elected to represent academic staff on the Human Resource Development Committee of Top Management on November 9, 2023, in accordance with the Human Resource Development Policy as outlined in the MMU Human Resource Manual....
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