Guild Leadership hold its 1st Guild General Student Assembly 2023

The 17th Guild leadership under the Stewardship of His Excellency Owen Mukonyezi successfully held its 1st General Students Assembly on November 10th 2023 at Lake Saaka Campus, Fort-Portal City.

A meeting that brought together students and Staff of the University witnessed the guild leadership give an accountability, successes and challenges facing students. The Students were also able to ask questions on various areas of interest and answers were given from the staff of the University.

The Guild President H.E Owen Mukonyezi enumerated the achievements so far reached since assuming office in April 2023 as:

  1. Successfully organized the Freshers’ bash 2023, which he was delighted to report that it showed the spirit of unity and camaraderie that defines MMU.
  2. Launched the Green MMU campaign that is aimed at planting 1000 tress at campus.
  3. Repaired the guild canteen TV and paid subscription fully.
  4. Launched the “Let Us Fight HIV” campaign which is aimed at empowering communities and promotion of general health being of communities.

The Guild Leadership also enlisted the challenges as:

  1. Inadequate funding to the guild body.
  2. Inconsistency and weak WIFI service.
  3. Shortage of space for study and early closure of University Library at 5pm.

The guild leadership requested the University leadership to speed-up the process of recruitment of the bus driver; and also establish the work and study programme to help the not financially stable students.

In keeping with this, the Guild Speaker, Hon. Joab Nuwamanya, expressed on behalf of the students his profound gratitude to the University administration for their steadfast dedication to creating a supportive learning environment.

The Dean of Students Roselyne Ssali appreciated the 17TH Guild Cabinet for the good work done since assuming office in April 2023 and gave the details as follows:

  1. The Students Leadership has represented the students so well not only to their fellow students but also to the University Management and administration.
  2. They have ensured that all the planned activities as per their work-plans have been so far funded and implemented.
  • They have done their best to ensure that they operate within the Guild constitution.

She made a few observations to students that need improvement as:

  1. The tendency of overusing the social media especially the different WhatsApp groups has given students an opportunity to share and circulate misleading information which has no basis.
  2. Many times, students have not bothered to seek for information from various offices but instead tend to get it from amongst themselves and take it as the gospel truth whereas in actual sense it’s not true.
  3. Levels of comparisons of operations between Mountains of the Moon and other Public Universities are unnecessarily high. Students need to know that much as all these Universities are public, every one of them has got different core values, objectives, strategic plans, priorities and different levels of growth. Yes, benchmarking is very good but it has got to have limits.

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