Academic Programmes

Programme Name Code Duration Study Time
Bachelor of Science in Computer ScienceBCS3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Arts in EconomicsBECO3 YearsWeekend
Bachelor of Arts in Mass CommunicationBMC3 YearsFulltime or Weekend
Bachelor of AgribusinessAGB3 YearsFulltime or Weekend
Bachelor of Arts with EducationBAED3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Business AdministrationBBA3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Education (Primary)BEDPBEDP3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)BEDS3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Environmental Health SciencesBEHS3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Information TechnologyBIT3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Arts in Mass CommunicationBMC3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Arts in EconomicsBECO3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Midwifery Science (Extension)BMSE3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Nursing Science (Extension)BNSE3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Procurement & Supply Chain ManagementBPSM3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in Accounting & FinanceBASF3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in Accounting & FinanceBASF3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in AgricultureAGRI3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in Aquaculture & Water Resources ManagementBAW3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in Computer ScienceBCS3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Direct)BSPH3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science with EducationBSCED3 YearsFulltime
Bachelor of Social Work & Social AdministrationBSWSA3 YearsFulltime
Diploma in Accounting & FinanceDAF3 YearsFulltime
Master of Business AdministrationMBA2 YearsBlended
Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Distance)BSPH2 YearsFulltime
Diploma in Information TechnologyDIT2 YearsFulltime
Diploma in AgricultureDAG2 YearsFulltime
Diploma in Primary Education (In-service)DIPE2 YearsFulltime
Diploma in Tourism, Travel & Hospitality ManagementDTHM2 YearsFulltime
Master of AgribuisnessMAGB2 YearsFulltime
Master of Educational Leadership & Policy StudiesMELPS2 YearsFulltime
Master of Public Administration & ManagementMPAM2 YearsFulltime
Master of Science in Natural Resource ManagementMNRM2 YearsFulltime
Diploma in Social Work & Social AdministrationDSWSA1 YearFulltime
Master of Business AdministrationMBA1 YearFulltime
Master of Science in Agro–EcologyMAE1 YearFulltime
Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Risk Management & FinancePDARMF1 YearFulltime
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource ManagementPGDHRM1 YearFulltime
Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring & EvaluationPGDME1 YearFulltime
Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning & ManagementPGDPPM1 YearFulltime
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration & ManagementPGDPAM1 YearFulltime