Prof. Kant Kanyarusoke is an Industrial-Mechanical Engineer, turned Renewable Energy Engineer. He started off as a graduate Mechanical Engineer in 1982, then specialised in Machine Design and Production Engineering (MSc. Mech Eng. – Des. & Prodn. Eng. stream). After full time teaching of Mech Eng Design courses at Makerere University for two years, he joined manufacturing industries in 1987, but with part time teaching for a while. In industry, he managed foods, beverages and chemicals manufacturing factories both in Uganda and outside up to 2005. In 2006, he rejoined the academia to teach Machine Design at the University of Botswana, and two years later, in South Africa at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. There, he developed interest in Solar energy engineering with special emphasis on maximising the universally ‘free’resource utility for rural Africa. Consequently, a Doctoral study was done in this regard, outcomes of which include a patented sun tracking device, a two slope panel/solar collection assembly for rural areas and numerous innovations in solar crop drying, solar water purification, solar water heating, and now, solar crop cooling and cold storage – among others.