Stakeholders Convene at MMU to Assess Higher Education Access Certificate Programs

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) on January 17th 2025 hosted a crucial joint monitoring and support visit for the Higher Education Access Certificate (HEAC) Program, bringing together key stakeholders from the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Uganda chapter.

In his welcoming remarks, Dr. Raphael Aregu, representing the Vice Chancellor of MMU, extended warm appreciation to both NCHE and FAWE Uganda teams for their unwavering support to the education sector. He emphasized the significance of such collaborative efforts in advancing educational access and quality in region.

Speaking at the meeting, FAWE Uganda Executive Director Suzan Opok emphasized that the HEAC program’s primary objective is to create pathways for academically talented but economically disadvantaged students from underserved districts to access and complete higher education. “This initiative is designed to bridge the educational gap and ensure that financial constraints do not hinder deserving students from pursuing their academic dreams,” she stated.

During the meeting, the Academic Registrar, Grace K. Nyakahuma, expressed gratitude to NCHE for accrediting the HEAC in Humanities. She further appealed to the Council to expedite the accreditation process for HEAC programs in Biological and Physical Sciences, along with other pending programs. This expansion of accredited programs would enable the university to extend educational opportunities across diverse academic fields.

The high-level meeting, held in the MMU boardroom at MMU, focused on evaluating the implementation progress, sharing experiences, and addressing challenges faced in the execution of the HEAC program. Representatives from the three institutions engaged in comprehensive discussions about program effectiveness, institutional preparedness, and strategies for overcoming implementation hurdles. The HEAC program has emerged as a significant initiative in Uganda’s education sector.

Olivia Lunyolo, the NCHE official provided regulatory insights and quality assurance perspectives, while FAWE Uganda representatives shared their expertise in promoting educational opportunities, particularly for marginalized groups. MMU, as the host institution, presented its experiences in implementing the program and highlighted both successes and areas requiring support.

The joint monitoring visit served as a platform for sharing best practices in program implementation, evaluating the program’s impact on access to higher education, discussing challenges and potential solutions, strengthening collaboration among stakeholders, and developing strategies for program enhancement. This collaborative effort demonstrates the commitment of educational stakeholders to ensuring the success of initiatives aimed at broadening access to higher education in the Rwenzori region.

Heights For Progress

Public Relations and Marketing Unit

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