MMU Launches Project to Strengthen Community Resilience to Flash Flooding in Rwenzori Mountains

Mountains of the Moon University on Thursday 23rd January 2025 launched a Project named “Building Social Ecological Resilience of Communities to Flash Flooding in the Rwenzori Mountains (B-SaFFeR)” in Kasese District.

The Project is implemented by Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) and Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) in collaboration with Join for Water and Thrive Development Facility in Uganda in partnership with Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB), AP College of Antewerp, Royal Museum of Central Africa (RMCA), KULeuven (Belgium) and Delft University of Technology (Netherlands).

According to Dr. John Sekajugo the Principle Investigator for MMU, B-SaFFeR aims at contributing to the reduction of adverse impacts Flash Floods in terms of loss of lives, livelihood and infrastructure for the vulnerable communities in the Rwenzori Mountains by increasing the scientific  capacity to understand, monitor and warn for flash flood occurrence  and provide scientific evidence to strengthen local knowledge and co-design effective preparedness actions and solidarity mechanisms to build resilience against floods.

“We have noted through research that floods are some of the major disastrous occurrences in the Rwenzori Mountains, we are optimistic that this Project will provide knowledge to the communities that will strengthen their awareness on how to address these challenges,” he explained.

Prof. Moses Muhumaza who represented the DVC AA at the Launch, the project will train students and staff of partner academic institutions (MMU and UMU) to enhance their capacity to conduct research and advice on risk reduction policy and management.

“Graduate students will be trained in environmental monitoring, modelling and management and this will help project partners to gain experience in supervising research projects which will lead to enhanced knowledge and skills of individuals,” he noted.

The Deputy Mayor Kasese Municipality Mr. Mupango Rabson appreciated MMU and other partners for this Project which will play a key role in empowering communities towards controlling and preventing floods.

Story by Dorcus Murungi

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