Mountains of the Moon University Inaugurates First Staff Tribunal

Following the appointment of the Staff Tribunal for Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) in April 2024 by the Chancellor of MMU, Prof. Edward B. Rugumayo, in accordance with section 56 (1) (a) of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act (UOTIA), 2001 as amended, the tribunal has been officially sworn in today, 27th June 2024.

The event was led by His Worship Moses Mushime in the presence of the Chairperson of the Council, Dr. Eng. Ben Manyindo, other Council Members, and the Top University Management, including Prof. Pius C. Achanga, the Vice-Chancellor; Prof. John M. Kasenene, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs; Assoc. Prof. Edmond Kagambe, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Finance and Administration; and Gregory Tweheyo the University Secretary, among other staff of the University.

The primary role of the University Staff Tribunal is to serve as an independent body responsible for adjudicating disputes, grievances, and disciplinary matters involving university staff members. The Staff Tribunal, therefore, upholds the principles of procedural fairness, equity, and due process in the resolution of conflicts and disputes within the university community.

Delivering his acceptance speech, the Chairperson of the Staff Tribunal Council John Magezi, thanked the Chancellor of MMU, for entrusting him to oversee this critical pillar of the University and expressed gratitude to Vice-Chancellor Prof. Pius C. Achanga for pledging to support the tribunal in the execution of its duties. He further added that if the Appointments Board performs its job well, the Staff Tribunal’s work will be much easier to execute. He concluded by pledging to diligently fulfill his role in accordance with the law.

The Staff Tribunal that took the oath of office and confidentiality included the following members, except for Mr. Patrick Muhereza, the Representative of the Ministry of Public Service, who sent his apology. His swearing-in will be conducted at a later date.

  1. Mr. John Magezi – Chairperson
  2. Justice Akiiki-Kiiza Dan (Rtd) – Representative of the University Council
  3. Dr. Jessica Kabasiita – Representative of the University Senate
  4. Dr. Kaahwa Mark – Representative of the Academic Staff Association
  5. Ms. Alanyo Linda Grace – Representative of the Academic Staff Association
  6. Ms. Kobugabe Christine – Representative of the Administrative Staff
  7. Mr. Mwesigwa Ali Junior – Representative of the Administrative Staff.

The second category comprised University Council members who took the oath of office and confidentiality. These included:

  1. Mr. Alijuna Lawrent – Guild President as Member of Council representing students
  2. Ms. Nuwahereza Grace – Guild Speaker as Member of Council representing students.

The final category included new staff who also took the oath of office and confidentiality, such as Mr. Duncan Keith Musumba, Principal Marketing and Public Relations Officer, among other staff.

Written by: Brens Willie Wambedde & Keith Duncan Musumba

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