User Services

Circulation Section

Circulation in the library involves activities such as the charging and discharging of information materials to library users.

It encompasses checking out library materials to users, managing the service desk for material check-out and return, and preparing bills for damaged, long overdue, or lost materials. This section aims to streamline the borrowing and returning process for books in the library.

Functions of the Circulation Section

  • Lending materials to library users.
  • Checking in materials upon return.
  • Monitoring materials for damage and routing them to the appropriate staff for repair or replacement
  • Assisting students in preparing for Exams through self study spaces.
  • Collecting statistics on library use, including patron transactions and material checkouts.
  • Charging and receipting overdue fines.
  • Sending out overdue notices to borrowers.
  • Assisting patrons at the circulation/reserve desk.
  • Maintaining the stacks by re-shelving information materials.
  • Resolving issues such as inappropriate patron conduct and noise levels.

Library Quick Links

Message from the University Librarian
About the University Library
Circulation Section
Technical Services Section
Digital Section
The Stock Room

Physical Address

MMU Library
Lake Saaka Campus,
Fort Portal – Uganda
P.O. Box 837, Fort Portal

Opening Hours
Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
Sat – Sun 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Recess Period
Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
Sat – Sun [CLOSED]

Role of the Circulation Desk

The circulation desk is the central point in the library where users can check out and return books, pay fines, pick up holds, and more. It is typically located near the main entrance and sometimes may also be referred to as the “Loans Desk.”

Tasks of the Circulation/ User Services Section

The circulation section is responsible for ensuring orderly movement through the library and facilitating the circulation of books from the regular collection.

Borrowing of LIS Materials

Borrowing of LIS materials involves adhering to specified regulations, presenting registration cards, and ensuring responsible handling, with overdue fines and recall procedures in place.

Regulations on Loan Items:

  1. Items available for loan shall be borrowed within the specified limits for each patron’s category.
  2. No items shall be removed from the library until the appropriate borrowing requirements and procedures are met.
  3. Items restricted for use within LIS premises may not be removed without permission.
  4. Borrowers are responsible for all items issued against their cards or names.
  5. All borrowers shall ensure they receive their cards back or have their names cleared at the check-out desk upon returning items.
  6. Any item that has been loaned may be recalled if urgently needed by another user.

Fines and Charges

  1. A fine of UGX 500/= shall be levied on any staff patron for the late return of each item per day overdue.
  2. Defaulters shall be blacklisted, and appropriate sanctions shall be applied as per the University’s disciplinary procedures.
  3. All items on loan shall be returned by the allocated time.
  4. Borrowers may renew an item(s) if it is not needed by another reader.
  5. Users leaving LIS premises shall allow staff/security personnel to examine materials in their possession.
  6. Deliberate and unauthorized removal, defacing, or damaging of LIS materials shall be regarded as a serious offense against the University and shall be punishable.

Lost and Damaged Items

Users are advised to take care of borrowed items. In case of damage or loss: i) Replacement of lost items shall be charged at the full prevailing replacement value, including an administrative charge of 25,000 UGX.