University Security Team Retrained by Uganda Police Force

When security is first, you last is an adage that all security teams in the universe hold in high esteem, this is why the leadership of Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) finds it necessary to invest in training and retraining of security personnel at the University. A 2-day training of the University security by the Uganda Police Force ended successfully on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024.

The District Police Commander, Fort-Portal Northern Division Superintendent of Police Richman Richard led the trainees in counterterrorism, crime prevention, crime detection, and campus security. Inspector of Police, Alex Odoknyero covered basic military skills and VIP protection while Assistant Superintendent of Police Agaba Boniface who is the Rwenzori West Regional Communications Officer handled security communication skills. Firefighting, fire prevention skills, and awareness was led by Police Sergeant Twesigomwe Valentine, the Deputy Commandant fire brigade in charge of the Rwenzori West Region.

Other training sessions were led by University Staff, the Deputy University Secretary Perez Mwebesa who took the trainees in team building while the Deputy Director of Human Resource Management Joseph Byaruhanga handled the ethical code of conduct. The Senior Nursing Officer, Gloria Turigye covered First Aid in insecure situations.

The University Security Officer, John Manume requested the University Management to provide transport to the security office for easy surveillance and monitoring of the general security at all MMU premises.

The University Secretary Gregory Tweheyo while officially opening the training pledged support for capacity building of security personnel at the University which will be a biannual activity. While closing the training, and awarding certificates, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Finance and Administration Assoc. Prof. Edmond Kagambe urged the trainees to remain professional, vigilant, and physically fit. 

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