Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Holds End-of-Year Retreat

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Mountains of the Moon University (MMU), Fort Portal City held its 2023/2024 end of Academic /Financial Year staff retreat on Saturday, June 15th 2024 at Ataco Country Resort.  The event provided an opportunity for staff to reflect on performance, challenges faced, and ways to improve.

The retreat was also a celebration of staff development, growth, and research publications in major journals during the year ending June 2024. According to Dr. Ngabirano Evarist, the Faculty Dean, the Faculty achieved several milestones, including three research publications in peer-reviewed journals and two staff receiving the Research and Innovation Fund (RIF) to undertake further studies.

In addition, the Faculty celebrated growth in staff qualifications, including completed PhDs in Community Development and Kiswahili language. The Faculty also participated in the 2nd MMU International Scientific Conference, where seven papers were presented.

The retreat demonstrated the Faculty’s commitment to high performance, professional growth, and celebration of achievements. It provided a platform for staff to recharge and prepare to harness opportunities in the next academic year.

The event also included sports activities such as football, netball, and volleyball, promoting staff bonding. Overall, the end-of-year retreat was a success, showcasing the Faculty’s dedication to excellence.

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