Office of the Academic Registrar

Welcome Message

As the Academic Registrar of Mountains of the Moon University, I want to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to all visitors to our university’s website.

At Mountains of the Moon University, we are committed to providing exceptional education and fostering a supportive learning environment for our students. Whether you are a prospective student exploring our programs, a current student seeking academic guidance, or an alum reminiscing about your time here, we are delighted to have you engage with our online platform.

Our website serves as a gateway to a wealth of information about our academic programs, faculty, research initiatives, campus life, and much more. We strive to ensure that the content is up-to-date, informative, and user-friendly to meet the diverse needs of our audience.

Additionally, I encourage you to explore the various resources available, including admissions information, course catalogs, academic calendars, and student support services. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated staff members who are ready to assist you.

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our online presence, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvement. Your input is invaluable as we continuously strive to optimize the user experience and provide valuable insights into the needs of our community.

Thank you for visiting the Mountains of the Moon University website. We hope you find the information you are looking for and that your experience here reflects the excellence and vibrancy of our institution.

Best regards,
Mrs. Grace K. Nyakahuma
Academic Registrar

Staff Establishment

In the department we have a total of 29 members of staff as shown in the table below.

SN Name Title
1 Grace Nyakahuma Kazooba
Academic Registrar
2 Kabasomi Veronica
Deputy Academic Registrar – Exams
3 Kwikiriza Wilson
Principal Assistant Registrar – Exams
4 Kisubi Robert Principal Assistant Registrar – Admissions & Records
5 Tumusabe Acleo Senior Academic Registrar – Faculty of Education
6 Akoraebirungi Bendicto Senior Assistant Registrar– Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
7 Juuko Godfrey Ijoga Senior Assistant Registrar– Faculty of Business and Management Science
8 Nsiime Viola Atuhe Senior Assistant Registrar– Faculty of Science Technology and Innovations
9 Comrade Hakiimu Mutebi Senior Assistant Registrar– Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
10 Nalwanga Rebecca
Senior Assistant Registrar– Faculty of Health Sciences
11 Aheebwa Christopher
Senior Academic Registrar -Senate Affairs
12 Tuhaise Safina Senior Assistant Registrar – Certificate & Ceremonies
13 Mujuni Patrick Senior Systems Administrator
14 Komuhimbo Dauphine Administrative Secretary
15 Karugaba Deogratias Administrative Secretary
16 Mawenu Paul Driver

Frequently asked questions

1. What programs does the university offer?

Our university offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate, programs across various disciplines including arts, sciences, business, and more. You can explore our full list of programs on our website  or contact our admissions office at admissions@mmu.ac.ug for more information.

2. How do I apply for admission to the university?

To apply for admission, you need to complete our online application form and submit all required documents, such as transcripts, Certificates, letters of recommendation, among others. The specific application requirements may vary depending on the program and your applicant status. Please refer to our admissions portal for detailed instructions and deadlines.

3. What is the campus life like?

Our campus provides a vibrant and inclusive community where students can engage in a wide range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations. From student Guild government to cultural clubs, sports teams, and academic societies, there are ample opportunities to get involved, make new friends, and pursue your passions outside the classroom.

4. What support services are available for students?

We offer comprehensive support services to assist students in achieving their academic, personal, and career goals. These services may include academic advising, tutoring, counseling, career counseling, disability support, health services, and more. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and conducive environment for student success.

5. Are there housing options available on campus?

The University does not provide in hall residence to students but rather, recommends students to Hostels affiliated to the University. Information about Hostels can be got from the Office of Dean of Students.

6. What career resources are available to students and alumni?

Our university offers a range of career services to help students explore career options, develop job-search strategies, and connect with employers. These services may include career counseling, resume writing assistance, mock interviews, job fairs, networking events, and alumni mentoring programs. We are committed to supporting our students and alumni in their career development journey.

Contact information

For any enquiry do not hesitate to contact any of the following on behalf of the Office of the Academic Registrar:

Office of the Academic Registrar
Po. Box 837, Fort Portal, Uganda, E. Africa
Phone: +256 483 663 390
Email: registrar@mmu.ac.ug

Grace Nyakahuma Kazooba, Academic Registrar

Kabasomi Veronica, Deputy Academic Registrar – Exams

Kwikiriza Wilson, Principal Assistant Registrar – Exams