Banking and Finance Department Hold Assembly

Mountains  of  the  Moon  University  (MMU)  Banking  and  Finance  Department  under Faculty of Business and Management Sciences recently held a Departmental assembly that was aimed at bringing students and staff of the department together to reflect on the uniqueness of the department and to pass over wholistic departmental information to the new students
The students were briefed on the Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Pillars of the University. Mr. Geofrey Muzigiiti who was the first Head of the Department of Finance and Banking briefed the Students on the milestones the Department had achieved and called upon all students to follow suit if they are to realize many benefits from the department and the University.

Ms.Gorret Gugonza, the University Counsellor urged students to have personal goals towards growth and development;    to self-discover themselves;  and to boast their confidence levels and live a life of moral virtues.

Ms. Provia Tumuramye briefed students on the academic journey as attending classes, doing coursework, and having a positive attitude towards academic work. While Mr. Robert Mawenu challenged students to develop their personal research skills and desist from hiring people to do research for them.

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