Dr. Violet Kisakye promoted to Associate Professor at FAES

Dr. Kisakye Violet who has been until June 30th 2023 a Senior Lecturer under Faculty of Agriculture and Environment Sciences, Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) has been appointed as an Associate Professor in the same Faculty with effect from 1st July 2023.

“Following your application for the position of Associate Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment Sciences, and the subsequent interview session held on 6th June 2023, I am pleased to inform you that the appointments Board of Mountains of the Moon University (MMU), during its special sitting under Minute number 175/1st/MMU/AB/Jun/23, resolved to appoint you as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment Sciences,” reads in part the instrument of appointment signed by the then, University Secretary, Assoc. Prof. Kagambe Edmond.

The Appointment letter, further indicates that: Your letter of appointment is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001 as amended, the Uganda Public Service Standing Orders, 2021 and Mountains of the Moon University Human Resource Manual.
“On behalf of Management, Staff and Students of MMU, I congratulate you on your appointment, and wish you success in your new role.” Prof. Kagambe added.
In a handover event, today August 31st 2023 held at the Office of the Vice Chancellor, at MMU Saaka Campus, witnessed by Deputy Vice-Chancellor in-charge of Academics Affairs Prof. John. M Kasenene and Dean of Faculty Agriculture and Environment Sciences Assoc. Prof. Joshua Wesana, Prof. Pius Coxwell Achanga applauded the hard work exhibited by Assoc. Prof. Kisakye Violet, that has earned her the much deserved elevation to Associate Professorship. “It is time for you to work even harder, to take MMU to greater heights,” added Prof. Achanga.

The all smiling Assoc. Prof. Kisakye Violet, thanked the appointing authority and Top University Management for appointing her the first female Associate Professor of Mountains of the Moon University.

Who is Assoc. Prof. Kisakye Violet
Violet Kisakye graduated in 2018 with a PhD in Engineering Science from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium (KU Leuven). Through her research, she has extensively contributed to the area of water resources management specifically water harvesting technologies for domestic use. Her PhD thesis title was “Development of a technology to ensure sufficient quantity and quality of rainwater for rural households”.
Her Masters is in Integrated Water Resources Management which she obtained from the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. While pursuing her Masters, she specialized in Water and Land resources management from the HOORC Institute in the Okavango delta, Maun Campus, University of Botswana. Violet also holds a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Land Use and Management from Makerere University, Uganda.

Assoc. Prof. Violet Kisakye joined MMU in 2012 and has since risen through the ranks to her current position as an Associate Professor and researcher in the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Department of Environment, Natural resources and Tourism. She has widely published in reputable scientific journals, especially in the area of water resources management, environmental management and sustainable agriculture.

Over the years, she has supervised over 2 PhD students to completion, with 2 more ongoing, over 8 masters’ students and various undergraduate students. She also served as the dean of the faculty from 2021 to 2022, guiding the faculty through the transition process from a private to a public dispensation. As a senior staff member of the faculty and experienced researcher, she is currently a member of the faculty board and a member of the postgraduate research ethics committee. Dr. Kisakye’s passion is in project writing and has thus contributed to the development of several successful projects within the faculty and was recently appointed a coordinator of research and projects in the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. She is currently coordinating five (5) research projects i.e. the Agroecology Rwenzori project (funded by the Austrian Development Agency), FAST-WATER project (funded by VLIR-UOS), AGROECO-GROUNDWATER project (funded by the Kingdom of Netherlands through the Water and Development Partnership Programme), the BASIS project (funded by European Union) and most recently, the SFR2CC project (funded by the Kingdom of Netherlands through the Water and Development Partnership Programme).

She is also a board member of the Children’s Conservationist Programme (https://childrenconservationists.org/) and Rwenzori Aid (https://rwenzoriaid.org/) where she provides organizational support through resource mobilization for community development especially in the area of environmental conservation and safe water access respectively.

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