MMU set to start the Construction of Faculty of Agriculture and Environment Sciences

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) has signed a twin contract with Ambitious Construction Company and Awsangah Construction Company Limited for the construction of Faculty of Agriculture and Environment Sciences and 2 prefabricated class room buildings respectively at Lake Saaka Campus, Fort Portal City. 

After going through a rigorous process of bidding and contact analysis the Ambitious Construction Company was awarded a contract of building the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment Sciences at cost estimated to be over Uganda shillings 16 billion while Aswangah Construction Company won a contract to construct 2 prefabricated class room blocks at a cost estimated over Uganda shillings 1.2 billion. These buildings will house: lecture rooms, staff rooms, science and computer laboratories, main hall among others. 

During the signing of the contracts the Vice Chancellor Prof. Pius Coxwell Achanga implored the construction companies to produce high quality works, adding that high quality work may lead them to getting more work in future with University.   

Assoc. Prof. Edmond Kagambe the University Secretary, Mountains of the Moon University indicated that the institution has been challenged with teaching space which has occasionally paralyzed teaching. He was delighted that the construction will settle the gap in teaching space, office and laboratories. 

Prashart Ramji, the Executive Director, Ambitious Construction Company Limited and Kwehangana Francis, the Executive Director for Swanga Construction Company   confirmed their readiness to start the work and promised excellent work. 

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