MMU Strengthens ties with Mbarara University of Science and Technology

In a bid to strengthen ties between Mountains of Moon University (MMU) and Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), the two universities have started a journey that is intended to culminate into a partnership in the following fields: Health Sciences and Technology (Nursing, Midwifery,Public Health, and ICT); joint ventures in research; student exchange and staff mentorship.

In an inaugural meeting on the 2nd February 2023 at Mbarara University of Science and Technology on the invitation of Prof. Celestino Obua Vice-Chancellor of MUST witnessed the leadership of the two institutions map out the best way on how the partnership would yield best fruits.

Led by the Vice-chancellor of MMU Prof. Puis Coxwell Achanga and flanked by Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof. John M. Kasenene, University Secretary Assoc. Prof. Edmond Kagambe, Academic Registrar Mrs. Grace Nyakahuma Akiiki, University Bursar Mr. Ronald Mutego, University Librarian Dr. Raphael Aregu, Dean of Students Mrs. Ssali Roselyne, Director Planning Investment and Development Mr. Ndolerire William and Principal Planning Officer Mrs. Nakajubi Jane on one hand and on the other hand led by Vice-Chancellor of MUST Prof. Celestino Obua Vice-Chancellor and flanked by University Secretary Mr. Melchior Byaruhanga, Dean of Students Mr. Emmanuel Kyagaba, University Bursar CPA. Magyezi Felix Amanya, Dean Faculty of Science Prof. Julius Lejju Bunny, Head Legal Department Mr. Timothy Mugumya, Principal Procurement Officer Mr. Kwatampora Vicent Kansime and International Relations Officer Ms. Sheila Ninye Twinamatsiko had a one day successful meeting.

The visit was seen as insightful on the journey to reshape the future of MMU and has kick-started the collaboration between the two institutions.

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