Prof. Doetterl calls for Climate Change Mitigation

Assistant Prof. Sebastian Doetterl of ETH Zurich’s Department of Environmental Sciences and co-founder of Congo Biochemistry Observatory (CBO) has called upon MMU students and everyone else out there to help in limiting global warming and take care of the planet by making choices that have less harmful effects on the environment.

Prof. Sebastian was on March 14th, 2023 facilitating the Public Lecture organized by Mountains of the Moon University Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences focusing on the ‘‘Role of pathogenesis for undertaking today’s soil landscapes and their properties in tropical and subtropical Africa.’’

He added that anyone can be part of the solution and influence change.
Other areas he discussed were; soil systems, carbon storage measures, eco-system protection, food production, and re-afforestation among others.

Some students who interacted with our reporter after the Lecture confirmed that such workshops help them in expanding their knowledge and skills for better performance and applauded the faculty for organizing it and asked for more initiatives.

The lecture attracted students, Lecturers, Heads of Departments, and Faculty deans from the School of Agriculture and Environmental science.

By: Phillip Tumwebaze

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