Estates and Works Department

The Estates and works department is responsible for infrastructure development of the University and maintenance of all University structures which include buildings, roads, water, mechanical and electrical works.

The basic roles of Estates and works department is;

  • The maintenance and upkeep of the entire University infrastructure
  • Supervision of Capital projects under construction at the University.
  • Execution of minor civil, electrical and Mechanical Engineering works.
  • Maintenance and management of the University vehicles
  • The custody of the University property
  • To offer technical advice to the University Management.

Staff Members

Names Position Qualification
Andrew MasonAndrew MasonDeputy Chief-Estates and Works
Geoffrey KagabaGeoffrey KagabaCivil Engineer
Moses LuwandaggaMoses LuwandaggaAssistant Engineering Officer
Patrick Kamara MugenyiPatrick Kamara MugenyiCustodian
Margret BirungiMargret BirungiCustodian
Grace AsiimweGrace AsiimweCustodian
Kiketha BwambaleKiketha BwambaleChief Custodian
Patrick NyakoojoPatrick NyakoojoDriver
Gorret KasanaGorret KasanaLecturer Room Attendant
Topista NabutoTopista NabutoLecture Room Attendant
Saida NabadukaSaida NabadukaLecture Room Attendant
Tracy Zoromina KahuliTracy Zoromina KahuliLecture Room Attendant
Beatrice TusiimeBeatrice TusiimeLecture Room Attendant
Mary  LapalaMary LapalaLecture Room Attendant
Sarah BirungiSarah BirungiLecture Room Attendant
Joseph TigambirwaJoseph TigambirwaLecture Room Attendant
Clovice KasaijaClovice KasaijaLecture Room Attendant
Selevaster MuhumuzaSelevaster MuhumuzaLecture Room Attendant
Grace AmanyireGrace AmanyireLecture Room Attendant
Samson RwabweraSamson RwabweraLecture Room Attendant

For any enquiry do not hesitate to contact the following Officers on behalf of Estates and Works department:

Eng. Kagaba Geoffrey, Civil Engineer

Bwambale Kiketha, Chief Custodian

Luwandaga Moses, Electrician