Call for papers: The 2nd Annual MMU Research Conference


The 2nd Annual MMU research conference aims to attract, professionals, academia, innovators, and policymakers to attend this high-level  conference and share their novel research/policy briefs with the scientific community and practitioners around the globe.  We invite authors across the region and beyond to submit their scientific extended abstracts for consideration in the conference oral or poster presentation on a topic of interest relating to the session themes below.

Sub themes/ sessions

  • Agricultural Innovations and Environmental Sciences
  • Business Innovations and Management sciences
  • Transformative Education
  • Humanities and Social sciences
  • Technological Sciences and Innovations
  • Healthcare and Nutrition innovations

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 15th February 2024
  • Registration Deadline: 31st March 2024
  • Conference Date: 8th – 12th April 2024

Click here for more information

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