MMU and UGANET conduct a Gender Based Violence Training and HIV Response activity   

 MMU Faculty of Humanities and Social Science in collaboration with Uganda Network on Law Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET) a local Non-Government Organization (NGO) today 28th February 2023 at Fort Breeze Hotel, Fort Portal City started a four-day academic training in Gender Based Violence mitigation and HIV response. The 4-day activity is intended to identify 30 staff and students to work as Gender Champions on Gender-Based Violence related and HIV issues at the University.

Hadijah Nansamba, the Head of the Department of Public Administration in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at MMU and also the MMU Gender Focal Person says “ the training today at Fort Breeze is the kicker of the four days, we have started with 15 participants involving Faculty Deans, Dean of Students office and student leadership. All  faculty deans are here in training.”

She explains that the 1st and 2nd March 2023 training will involve 30 participants including both students and staff at Fort Breeze Hotel Fort Portal City who will be dubbed Gender Champions and will continue working against Gender-Based Violence across all faculties of MMU.

The final day 3rd March 2023 will witness 200 to 500 students trained on Gender-Based Violence Mitigation and HIV response at MMU Graduation Ground, Saaka Campus. Ms. Gloria Turigye has been named the HIV Foal Person under the project.

The UGANET team included Ms. Alice Katambuzi – Programme Coordinator, Rogers Wanambwa – Public Relations, and Ms. Anne Kobusigye – Facilitator.

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