MMU Radio staff complete a 1-day training

As an old adage goes “ The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.” Henry Ford. In that spirit, Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) radio staff have completed a one-day training that was intended to enhance their skills for better performance. This was held today Thursday,  2nd March 2023 in Block B Room RB3 at MMU Saaka Campus.

The lead facilitator, Mr. Kaija Akiiki Wilson of Makerere University and an expert in media, elaborately with a smile discussed topics as media laws in Uganda, the regulatory environment and role of Uganda Communications Commission (UCC); key broadcasting issues and challenges; and how to prepare for a radio debate.

The MMU Deputy Director of Human Resources Mr. Joseph Byaruhnga who represented the University Secretary Assoc. Prof. Edmond Kagambe officially opened the training, he also took trainees through the Human Resource related issues. He implored staff to remain professional as journalists. “ Money has changed the journalism profession for the bad and this has put the journalists’ integrity to the test, please stand to be counted for the good of the profession,” he said.

The MMU Radio Manager, Mr. Gilbert Matsiko Akky, who was the lead organizer of the training took the trainees through the role of radio in the achievement of the University’s Vision and Mission. He further discussed the MMU niche and core values in relation to the previous training he had been involved in during the MMU middle manager’s training at Kalya Courts in Fort Portal City.

Mr. Joseph Byaruhanga in his closing remarks thanked Mr. Matsiko Gilbert Akky, the MMU Radio Manager for transferring the knowledge acquired during the middle managers’ training he had been involved in.

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