MMU gets new Dean of Students  

After serving as Acting Dean of Students of Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) for over 6 months Mr. David Katende has finally handed over office to the newly substantially appointed Dean of Students Ms. Ssali Roselyne.

While handing over office at the MMU administration block Board Room, Mr. Katende thanked the Top University leadership for entrusting him with the office of Student Deanship, he applauded the staff in the department as the Senior Nursing Officer, Ms. Turigye Gloria; Assistant Nursing Officer, Ms. Arinaitwe Prossy; University counsellor, Ms. Gorret Kugonza for the good work they did in supporting the work of the department.

He enumerated the successes or achievements reached during his tenure as: holding hostel managers’ and food vendors workshop; new students orientation; holding a health camp at campus; participating in the East African University games; freshers’ football match; Freshers’ bash; and beauty pageant 2023.

The incoming Dean of Students Ms. Roselyne Ssali pleged to work with the outgoing Dean of Students to allow for continuity of the office.

Mr. David Katende has also previously served as the Head of Quality Assurance of MMU for a long period of time. He was appointed as Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Education during the government validation exercise.

To witness the handover was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John M. Kasenene; Deputy Director Human Resource, Mr. Byaruhanga Joseph; Deputy Academic Registrar (Examination), Ms. Kabasomi Veronica; Principal Internal Auditor, Mr. Isah Mayanja; and Senior Human Resource Officer, Ms. Rose Bunihizi.

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