With MMU-VLIR UOS IUC Partner Program having started in 2009; a 12-year partnership speaks of various achievements for Mountains of the Moon University (MMU). In What is termed as MMU-VLIR- UOS – IUC week that saw celebrations last for a week at MMU involving all partners, the meetings enumerated the achievements reached as: sponsoring of MMU staff who have so far successfully completed their PhD programmes and now serving MMU. In relation to MMU  Kyembogo Dairy farm the partnership has helped train personnel on artificial insemination procedure; maintained  artificial insemination bank; maintained value addition machines (Milk Pasteurizer and Cooler tank); maintained animal nutrition laboratory; provided constant power supply to run machines which are currently kept at FRRH (Fridge and Freezer with blood and milk samples); facilitated continuity of interactions with farmer groups.

The MMU Senior Grants officer, Ms Kobugabe Christine explains that the partnership also yielded the MMU radio which is functional to date. She adds that the IT infrastructure of the University we are proud of today is a result of this partnership.

The week also saw prayers being organized in remembrance of four gallant people who made great contribution to the growth of MMU. These included: Late Hon. Consul Benard Dossche, Prof. Paul de Knop, Prof. Caroline Pauwels and Mr. Jimmy Nkurumah. These members demonstrated, over a significant period of time, dedicated to the promotion of the vision of MMU, combined with a strong sense of commitment and zeal.

During the prayer service/mass held at MMU speaker after another heaped praises on the fallen gallants who had altruistically made a contribution in one way or another to the growth of MMU. The MMU University Secretary Assoc. Prof. Edmond Kagambe said “ Let us keep the fire burning. Although Caroline, Jimmy, Benard and Paul are not with us, they left a legacy.  They made their contribution  to transform MMU from scratches to where it is. Their families will continue to be part of us.”

In particular Hon. Consul Benard Dosche  was very instrumental in linking MMU with other Universities, donor organizations and foreign Embassies. Through these linkages MMU was able to get additional funds to support its infrastructure development. He also engaged Government through His Excellency to get additional land of 200 acres from Kyembogo to support the development of the Diary Development Centre.

Through Prof. Caroline Pauwels and Prof. Paul De Knop, MMU  and VUB  to cooperate. The purpose of the general agreement was to improve, through collaboration, the scientific and educational level of the two institutions and to promote and intensify friendship and mutual understanding. Mr. Jimmy Nkurumah worked tirelessly to build structures and systems of MMU under his care as Registrar Administration.

Fr. Isaiah Mayombo was the main celebrant representing the Bishop, others present was Rev. Fr. Edward Muhumuza and Rev. Isaac Mwandara represented the Anglican Church.

The partners also took of time to visit Triple F (Food, Feed, Forest), Agro-ecology demonstration centre and Kyembogo Dairy Development Centre. A tree was jointly planted behind the  Main MMU administration block in memory of the VLIR UOS IUC week, 2023.

Several bilateral agreements were signed between MMU, Ghent University and Howest University College to support joint PhD programmes  and other research related collaborations.

The MMU leadership including the Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Pius Coxwell Achanga and the Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Assoc. Prof. Joshua Wesana together with Flemish Inter-University Council and IUC partners held a final meeting at the Belgian Embassy in Kampala with Consul Van Acoleyen Koen.

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