MMU PR Office Wishes S6 candidates success in their UACE Exams

The Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) Public Relations and Marketing Department has reached out to various secondary schools in Fort-Portal City to wish the senior six candidates success in their end of year Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education Examinations (UACE) examined by the Uganda National Examinations Board.

This was also an opportunity to inform students about the conversion of MMU from a Private Chartered University to a Public University and to discuss more Government sponsored students and the study programmes that are offered by MMU under its differed seven faculties that include: Education; Health Sciences; Business & Management Sciences; Agriculture & Environmental Sciences; Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences; Science, Technology & Innovation; and Tourism, Hotel & Hospitality.

Led by the Principal Public Relations and Marketing Officer, Mr. Edison Kadoma and flanked by the Communications Officer- Public Relations Mr. Brens Willie Wambedde, last week met over 1500 senior six candidates from different schools that included: Nyakasura School, Kahinju Secondary School, West Ville High School, Fort Portal Secondary School, St. Mary’s Seminary, St. Maria Gorreti Secondary School, Kyebambe Girls Secondary School, St. Leos College, Kyegobe,  Kabarole Adventist Secondary School and Mpanga Seconday School.

Mr. Kadoma Edison, explains that it is a usual practice as MMU to wish A level candidates success in their advanced level examinations by offering them success cards, MMU brochures and motivational talks. He added that career guidance is important in the life of students, especially at the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education level and this a kicker to choosing a career that they would wish to take.

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