MMU and Rwenzori Anti Corruption Coalition partner to tackle corruption in the region

The Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) Student leadership together with the student community in partnership with the Rwenzori Anti-Corruption Coalition are set to implement a new project intended to “ Enhance women and girls’ participation in the fight against corruption for improved service delivery.” across the 10 districts of the Rwenzori Region.

In an inception meeting held on 21st November 2022 at the Main Hall, MMU Saaka Campus that was attended by Dean of Students, Mr. David Katende, Student leadership, the student community, and the Rwenzori Anti-Corruption Coalition, was used as a platform to share high lights of the new project, and at the same time renewed the commitment to fight against corruption in the Rwenzori region.

The British High Commission is funding the Project. According to Ms. Angela S. Byangwa, the Executive Director Rwenzori Anti-Corruption Coalition, the mode of project implementation will be through radio talk shows, debates, seminars, community workshops, curriculum review, and support publication through newspaper articles.

The project that will run for a period of 2 years was welcomed by the Dean of Students Mr. David Katende, he explained that Uganda has instruments or enabling laws that check corruption which include: the constitution of Uganda article 225(1) (a) and (e) which creates the ombudsman-ship; and the Inspectorate of Government Act 2003 among others.

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