Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) Student Affairs Department has successfully concluded the orientation of new students 2024/2025 Academic Year. Prof. John M. Kasenene, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs urged students to utilize their time at Campus productively.
Prof. Kasenene explained that management expects students to take their academic roles and responsibilities very seriously. “The other co-curricular and assigned roles and responsibilities are secondary. Be ambitious and follow your vision closely, don’t be derailed by temptations. Never, ever forget the very reason for coming to MMU.”

He highlighted three major focus areas for the students: to acquire knowledge, skills and experience for their future as individuals; to attend all academic classes, engage in academically related adventures, and to serve the community.
Assoc. Prof. Edmond Kagame Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Finance and Administration in his speech explained that with a new chapter in life at MMU you will have the opportunity to learn new things, acquire new knowledge, grow new competencies, develop new skills and enhance your personal attributes in profound ways that will shape your character for the rest of your life, adding that “you will have an opportunity to get new friendship that will impact your lives in incredible ways both in the University for the next four years and for as long as you live on this planet. All these are predicated upon your commitment to navigate this tricky terrain. As is the case with suspense-packed literary book chapters, you need to learn, and very fast, how to dodge many conflicts and distractions in your path.”
Roselyn Ssali, Dean of Students, who heads the Department of Student Affairs, welcomed the new students and took them through all that they need to know to facilitate their comfortable stay at Mountains of the Moon University.

Mustafa Nsubuga, the Senior Sports Officer implored the new students to take advantage of diversity of their colleagues in terms of cultural background, academic, disciplinary orientation, various life experiences, skills, unique talents such as sports and leadership to become an exquisite member of MMU 2024/2025 cohort.
He encouraged the new students to join clubs, associations that will add value to their university experience and academic life and growth. He further advised them to avoid bad groups with bad intentions that influence their character, behavior in faith or Allah, be careful and sensible of who to associate with and for what purpose.

The University Bursar Mr. Ronald Mutego who talked to the students about finance issues, told them to clear tuition dues on time. He revealed that the university will pay living out allowances to government sponsored students but to access this money they must have registered with Dean of Students office and the money would be paid through mobile money.
Furthermore, the Senior E-learning Administrator Mr. Robert Tuhaise who represented the Director ICT Dr. Francis Otto informed students that the university has moved to blended learning where technology is used to continue studying even when they were not at the University physically.
Story by: Willie Brens Wambedde