MMU University Council Appoints University Bursar

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) University Council, subsequent to the recommendation of the Appointments Board has appointed Mr. Mutego Ronald Hangujja as the substantive University Bursar, Mountains of the Moon University.

The appointment follows the provisions of Section 36 (1) of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act (UOTIA) 2001 as amended, which empowers the University Council, on the recommendation of the Appointments Board to appoint a Bursar of a Public University. Section 36(2) of UOTIA (2001) as amended further states that the University Bursar shall be responsible for the financial administration and planning of the University and shall maintain the accounts in a form determined by the University Council.

In a memo to all staff, students, and all other stakeholders of Mountains of the Moon University signed by the University Secretary (US); Dr. Edmond Kagambe; states; “On behalf of the University Council, Top University Management, and the MMU fraternity, we welcome and congratulate him upon this appointment and pledge to offer him our full support, as we develop and grow MMU.”

Mountains of the Moon University is the 10th Public University in Uganda located in Fort Portal Tourism City that became a Public University effective 1st July 2022 established under The Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act (2001) as amended; under Statutory Instrument (S.I). No. 2 of 2022 of Parliament of Uganda.

Who is Mr. Mutego Ronald Hangujja

Mr. Ronald Hangujja Mutego has wealth of experience spanning 19 years. He has formerly been the University Bursar of Muni University, Arua City. Prior to that, he served as University Bursar for Busitema University.  His other work experience includes: Chief Internal Auditor, Butaleja District Local Government; Part-time Lecturer, at Uganda Christian University and Centre for Continued Professional Development; Internal Auditor at Centenary Rural Development Bank, Kamapala; Senior Loans Officer at Centenary Rural Development Bank, Kasese; and Accountant at Guddi Millers and Farmers Limited, Mbale.

He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management at Busitema University. He holds a Master of Business Administration- Finance, Uganda Martyrs University 2010; He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and he is a Full member of the Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (CPA-U), 2009; and a Bachelor of Business Administration-Accounting, Makerere University, 2009

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