Mountains of the Moon University Staff Development Committee Inaugurated

Following the appointment of the Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) Staff Development Committee on April 18th 2023 by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Pius Coxwell Achanga based on the resolution of Top University Management (TUM), the committee has officially been inaugurated today August 16th 2023 at the Main Hall, Lake Saaka Campus.

In the appointment instrument signed by Prof. Achanga addressed to Prof. John M. Kasenene who has been appointed as the Chairperson of a 12-person Committee reads in part: Top University Management (TUM) of the Mountains of the Moon University (MMU), during its 12th meeting held on 28th March 2023, under Minute 11/MMU TUM/12/23 (b), approved the establishment of a Staff Development Committee of MMU.

The membership of the Committee as approved include: Prof. John M. Kasenene as Chairperson; John Byaruhanga as Secretary; Ronald Mutego as Member; Dr. Aregu Raphael as Member; William Ndoleriire as Member; Dr. Francis Otto as Member, Assoc. Prof. Wilson Babu Musinguzi (Who replaces Prof. Moses Muhumuza) as Member; Assoc. Prof. Joshua Wesana as Member; Dr. Kimera Emmanuel as Member; Dr. Evarist Ngabirano as Member; Dr. Jessica Kabasiita as Member; and Dr. Akuguzibwe Edwin.

The Terms of Reference (ToR) of the Staff Development Committee is to: Formulate and advise TUM on policies regarding staff development and training; Consider available opportunities for training for eligible existing staff of the University; Recommend the Disbursement of funds to qualifying staff for studies; Monitor the progress of staff approved on various study schemes; review and approve staff training plans; Recommend staff for study leave; Guide TUM on all matters related to staff development at MMU; submit to the Vice-Chancellor progress reports on all staff on study schemes; and Perform any other functions as may be delegated from time to time.

During the inauguration speech, the Prof. Achanga implored the committee membership to adopt the following values during the execution of their duties as: Impartiality; Objectivity; Punctuality; Confidentiality – to avoid creating unnecessary tension; Respect – to always consult and accept a position of the majority; Record keeping; Set high standards; and ensuring value addition – that their decisions or recommendations will add value to the University.

Assoc. Prof. Kagambe Edmond the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance and Administration in his length address highlighted the steps of Staff Development ranging from: appointment of staff, to staff posting to management of performance to staff development which include growth through training, and finally retirement. He explained that each stage feeds into each other.    

Prof. Kagambe requested the committee membership to aim at: professionalism; transparency; equal opportunity- fairness; affirmative action driven; demand driven approach and look at value addition.

He explained that there four categories of training and that the committee should look through all of them, these included: Induction (orientation); Performance improvement; professional development and pre-retirement training.  C

He further appealed to the members of the committee to read and decipher the MMU Human Resource Policy and the Public Service Training Policy, and to also develop a staff development strategy to guide staff development implementation.  

Prof. Kagambe reechoed the need for the committee to focus on three strategic areas that include: Human Resource Staff Development Structure; Systems and Processes in the Management of Staff Development – that should provide for needs assessment framework; Financial support through government and project funding which is tailored towards staff development. He further asked the members to have a staff development road map, regularly report progress and challenges and to define full functionality of staff development.    

Prof. John M. Kasenene welcomed the appointment as chairperson of the staff development committee, he said the committee was going to identify critical disciples, gaps and areas for training. “As a committee we will emphasize training to retain, not training to trade.” Prof. Kasenene noted.  He also floated the idea of importing retired professors to mentor staff at the University.

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