Office handovers in Faculties of Education, Business and Management Sciences

With Office handovers recently taking place in different Faculties and Directorate Post Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation at Mountains of the Moon University (MMU), the Faculties of Education, Business and Management Sciences have witnessed a change in office bearers. 

August 14th 2023 saw Dr. Mark Kaahwa who has been Head of Department (HoD) Education Planning & Management under Faculty of Education handover to Dr. Namutebi Edith as new Head of Department.

In his handover report, Dr. Kaahwa pledged his support to the incoming HoD and the entire Faculty management. “Since Faculty of Education works as a team, I promise to always be part of that team so that we can build a strong and formidable Faculty. I once again thank the University administration for having entrusted me with responsibility of HoD of Department as well as my colleagues with whom I have tirelessly worked to start and streamline systems in the Department.” he noted.

In a related development, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences witnessed Dr. Kyalisiima Prisca formerly of Head of Department for Banking and Development Finance handover the department leadership to Ronald Aliija as new head.

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