Student Customer Care is important in the Management of a University – DVC

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC) Prof. Dr. John M. Kasenene has urged the staff of MMU to be customer obsessed by treating all students with care and respect.  He said this on 17th January 2023 at the Main Hall while addressing MMU staff of the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences.

“All categories of students form very important sectors of the University student population and all deserve to be treated with care and respect. I want to specifically address myself on the mistreatment being matted on the in-service students in the Faculty of Education.” said Prof. Dr. Kasenene in a 3 hour lengthy speech.

He explained that the in-service students have only three (3) weeks at the University to meet their teaching staff for face to face and examination in the last week. However, more often than not, some find their designated lecturers not ready to meet them to start real academic work. They also don’t  find study materials ready for their use to begin the short face-to-face.

The Dean of Business and Management Sciences Dr. Joanita Kataike urged her fellow staff to work hard, remain focused and continually market the Faculty programmes for the growth of the faculty.

The meeting also witnessed the handover of office of the Senior Academic Registrar from Ms. Safina Tuhaise to an Incoming Senior Academic Registrar Mr. Juuko Godfrey Ijoga. Ms. Safina Tuhaise has been redeployed to the Academic Registrar’s Office as Senior Academic Registrar incharge of Transcripts, Certificates and Ceremonies.

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