Vice-Chancellor calls for professionalism in staff

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Pius Coxwell Achanga has urged the 74 newly recruited staff of the University to have the right attitude; act professionally; be ethical and transparent; work hard and be team players to be able to collectively achieve the Vision, Mission and Strategic direction of the University. He said this on 16th January 2023 at the Main Hall while welcoming the new staff of the University in an event organized by the Human Resource Directorate.

On behalf of the University fraternity, I welcome you to Team MMU; Thank you for accepting our offer of appointment. This is possibly one of the best decisions that you may have made, to join the youngest Public University (though licensed 17 years ago by the National Council for Higher Education and chartered in the year 2018). By all means, MMU is a vibrant University, with all the promissory traits. I will qualify this assertion, with evidence (history of the newly established Universities). It is therefore my assumption that the Appointments Board of MMU did hire the right people; people we believe will make a difference here, and on behalf of Management, we look forward to helping you make waves.” said Prof. Dr. Achanga.

He implored the new staff to acquaint themselves with the MMU Vision, Mission, and Strategic objectives of the University so as to know what role they have to play to contribute to the success of MMU.

He further indicated that the vision of the Council of MMU is focused on investments to grow the asset base of the University, deploy state-of-the-art technology, recruit and retain talent, innovate, good corporate governance and embed institutional reputation and excellence. Additionally Management through Senate is geared towards ensuring that the research, teaching, and learning environment at MMU is restructured to involve digital transformation, giving real work experience, and making one be proactive, problem solver, and a critical thinker.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. John M. Kasenene explained that MMU had enjoyed particular peacefulness, tranquility, and smooth functionalism just because of complying strictly with the relevant University policies, acts, guidelines, and regulations.

“We take pride in over 42 University guiding laws/policies which we must know and respect. They were not made for the show and archiving but for use, application to guide our actions, mode of operations, and behaviors while we serve at MMU.” Prof. Kasenene said.

He further stressed that a big salary and reasonable allowances are guaranteed for you but may not be everything that will make your University efficient, productive, or successful in the future. What matters will be your readiness and attitude towards work, the satisfaction you will derive, the inclusiveness of other staff, and the style of management and or leadership in existence. Be self-driven, and motivate your staff and colleagues to make them perform better for their own good, the benefit of their students, the community, and the University.

The all-smiling newly recruited MMU staff thanked the University Council and Management for offering them the opportunity to serve in different capacities as staff of MMU.

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