Students urged to be Champions of a free Gender-Based Violence and HIV Society

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) students have been implored to desist from any forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and instead urged to be role models of society by diffusing  Gender Based Violence acts. They have been called upon to be champions of a violence-free society by engaging in arbitration of victims affected by domestic violence and monitor closely how people act towards one another, particularly on issues concerning gender.

This was revealed on Friday the 03rd.March.2023 at MMU Lake Saaka Main Campus during the last function of a four-day academic training on GBV and HIV response organized by the Faculty of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences in collaboration with UGANET, a local Non-Government organization.

The training that started on 28th.Feb.2023 at Fort Breeze hotel Fort Portal, witnessed selected students and staff trained on how to be activists of change to society and how to make a free GBV society. They were further educated on human rights issues; how to follow up on cases that involve human rights violations.

Ms. Gorret Kugonza, the MMU University Counselor rallied students to handle GBV issues with great concern and encouraged them to be the change the society needs. She said, “ women are most minority groups that are affected by gender-based violations where men tend to win them as inferior in all corridors of life.”

Ms. Alice Kabatembuzi, the UGANET Program thanked MMU  students and the management of MMU for their cooperation and collaboration and for making the whole four-day activity a success. She called upon students to report GBV and HIV-related abuses and to keep strongly linked to UGANET.

The training ended with an identified group of 30 students and staff who are to work as Gender Champions on GBV and HIV issues at the University.

By: Joab Nuwamanya & Brens Willie Wambedde

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