1st MMU Public University “Freshers” of Academic Year 2022/23 oriented

Hundreds of new students admitted at Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) for Academic Year 2022/2023 popularly regarded as “Freshers” on Friday 17th September 2022 attended a one-day orientation exercise organized by the Student Affairs Department held at the Graduation ground, at Lake Saaka Campus.

Getting used to a new place can be daunting, but that is what orientation is all about; getting to know your surroundings, and meeting students and staff members. This makes one comfortable enough to hit the ground running when the semester starts.

Freshers are expected to take advantage of the day to survey and acquaint themselves with the general campus layout. Arrangements are also made to enable Freshers to acquaint themselves with such key facilities as library, computer laboratories, University health facility, and recreation facilities among many others.

The Dean of Students Mr. David Katende advised the new students to utilize their time at MMU productively for academics and meaningful relations that would enable them to change their society positively. He gave reference to a friend of his who had died immediately after his studies at Makerere University due to having lived a reckless life while at campus.

Dr. Joanita Kataike, the Dean of Faculty of Business who represented the Academic Registrar at the occasion intimated to the freshers that if one has to be an academician, then it starts from day one you report to Campus with determination in your academics and ends with excellence on graduation day. This will make you be retained as either a Teaching Assistant or Assistant Lecturer she said.

Ms. Gloria Turigye, the University Senior Nursing Officer urged the freshers to remain healthy, and keep away from indulging in reckless sexual behavior to avoid ending up contracting diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other Sexual Transmitted Infections.

Ms. Aon Akiiki Marjorie, a mental health therapist, and guest speaker at the event implored the freshers to desist from involving in matters that disrupt their studies. She gave reference to the use of drugs, alcohol, and bad relationships as mentally disturbing issues during studies.

The new students were later treated to a free lunch and a tour of the Mountains of the Moon University Campus. The Students Affairs Department organized a free medical camp on the day, which saw many of the new students freely test for HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Infections plus free COVID-19 vaccination.

Written by: Brens Willie Wambedde, Communications & Public Relations Officer

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