FoBaMS Develops the Bsc. Economics program

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) Faculty of Business and Management Sciences is in the process of developing a new study programme called Bachelor of Science in Economics. This programme is intended to start in the academic year 2023/2024 once approved by National Council for Higher Education.

In an interview with the Faculty Dean of Business and Management Sciences Dr. Joanita Kataike indicated that Bsc. Economics study programme is different from Bachelor of Arts in Economics since it is more quantitative in nature.

She explains that the Faculty has been able to do the needs assessment on the content structure of the programme and the external expert has also finished the work in relation to content input and development. Adding that a report on the course content has been submitted to the University Senate for analysis and approval since Senate is the highest body responsible for academic affairs in the University.

Dr. Joanita Kataike was hopeful that by April 2023 National Council for Higher Education will have approved the course, meaning that all will be set to admit students to the programme come August 2023.

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