MMU receives 84 Management and Accounting Books from ICPA-U

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) on February 29th, 2024 at Block C Main Hall, Lake Saaka Campus through the Faculty of Business and Management (FoBMS) received 84 Management and Accounting books from the Institute of Chartered of Public Accountants, Uganda (ICPA-U). Well packaged and looking all new, the books were handed over to the Dean, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences Dr. Rwakihembo John who was flanked by Dean of Students, Roselyne Ssali a Top University Management representative.

Peruth Nakimenya, the ICPA (U) Engagement Officer while handing over the books said “I am so happy to be a part of MMU today, what we have done today is a session of career guidance and shared knowledge, donated study packs that can help students have skills and access information that can make them better as they aspire to become chartered public accountants of Uganda. In this case, we have donated study packs for different course units that form up the CPA Course, they will be in a position to access them through the University Library. We aim to have a relationship with MMU to ensure that they prepare students to become certified accountants so that by the time they enroll for the CPA course they have enough information required to become certified public accountants. Today we have given them all the information on how one can become a Public Certified Accountant, the benefits, and anything they need to know. We look forward to further engagements with the University.”

In response, Dr. John Rwakihembo, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences was delighted that MMU is associated with a regulatory body as ICPA (U) and he louded the ICPA-U for having accepted MMU students to be exempted from different course units, at different levels of the CPA courses which in the end shape the accounting profession in the country. He argued all MMU business students to concentrate on their programs so that they can qualify for all the exemptions or even find it easy to attain professional qualifications.

Roselyne Ssali the Dean of Students, expressed her gratitude for the generous donation, emphasizing the impact it would have on the quality of education provided at Mountains of the Moon University. She praised the generosity of the ICPA-U and reiterated the institution’s commitment to fostering a culture of learning and excellence.

With the arrival of the 84 new books, Mountains of the Moon University has taken a significant step forward in its mission to provide top-notch education in management and accounting. The University library has been enriched, and the students are eager to dive into the wealth of knowledge contained within the pages of the new acquisitions.

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