

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) 14 new staff were on Wednesday 6th March 2024 at the Main Hall Block C took an official oath and oath of secrecy. Led by the Deputy Director of Human Resource Management Joseph Byaruhanga, explained that the Human Resource Directorate must orient and ensure all new staff take official...
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An adage that states that work without play makes Jack a dull boy is fading away from the face of Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) with several sports activities that have been organized in the last two weeks. The University campus remains buzzing with students’ excitement and geared up as an announcement for a...
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Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) on February 29th, 2024 at Block C Main Hall, Lake Saaka Campus through the Faculty of Business and Management (FoBMS) received 84 Management and Accounting books from the Institute of Chartered of Public Accountants, Uganda (ICPA-U). Well packaged and looking all new, the books were handed over to the...
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Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) proudly celebrated its 15th graduation ceremony on, Friday 23rd February 2024, marking a significant milestone in its journey as a prominent institution committed to fostering inclusive education in key sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and the environment for sustainable solutions in national development. The Chief Guest was the President...
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Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) and Bridge Institute of Information Technology, Fort Portal on Monday 26th February 2024 at MMU Boardroom signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The purpose of the MoU is to facilitate collaboration between MMU and BIIT in different areas of mutual interest. On one side was MMU led by Vice-Chancellor,...
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Top University Management Strategic leadership retreat held on January 8th at Bliss Hotel, Fort-Portal City ended successfully. One of the 2024 year’s inaugural events, under the theme: “Building the University of the Future We Want,” was the retreat.  The intention was to give attendees a chance to talk about important topics pertaining to the university,...
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About the summer school At this summer school an international team of researchers will train African and European Scholars in assessing and analyzing tropical soil and forest resources as a tool for climate mitigation and food security projects. Through a series of hands-on workshops, participants will get familiar with state-of-the-art tools and approaches for assessing land use...
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About The 2nd Annual MMU research conference aims to attract, professionals, academia, innovators, and policymakers to attend this high-level  conference and share their novel research/policy briefs with the scientific community and practitioners around the globe.  We invite authors across the region and beyond to submit their scientific extended abstracts for consideration in the conference oral or...
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The Faculty of Business and Management Sciences (FBMS) recently led by Ronald Aliija- Head of Department (HoD), Banking and Finance were delighted and privileged to be hosted by the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (FAES). The purpose of the visit was to benchmark on the best practice of Examination Central Marking because it was...
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The 17th Guild leadership under the Stewardship of His Excellency Owen Mukonyezi successfully held its 1st General Students Assembly on November 10th 2023 at Lake Saaka Campus, Fort-Portal City. A meeting that brought together students and Staff of the University witnessed the guild leadership give an accountability, successes and challenges facing students. The Students were...
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